How to Hire the Right Business Growth Specialist

These days, business coaches are everywhere. But in this case, quantity says very little about the quality of services provided. The fact is that very few coaches have ever grown a business for themselves, and though they may be well versed in business theory, they have not practiced what they preach. Scaling a business takes time and dedication, and it’s true that with the right coach your company can reach its full potential. But programmes promising ‘overnight success’ or add 100k to the bottom line in 12 months, should be viewed with caution. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

So, how does one distinguish between a Coach who is full of opinions, and one that has programmes designed, focused, and most importantly adaptable to your business as it stands? The only skill of many coaches is their emotionally centred approach. These days, positivity is all the rage, and this has been capitalised upon no end throughout the industry. There is a school of thought that suggests that focusing your attention on mindset and motivation is the most efficient way to breathe new life into your business. It’s true, of course, having a positive mindset is important for taking on new challenges, FYI, implementing proven transactional strategies is the Action that will actually make the difference.

Marketing and development of products and services is essential to growing a business, however, growing a sustainable profitable business requires so much more. To make significant breakthroughs, much more is required, strong foundations and strategies to improve and systemise your core business, these produce long lasting results.

One consideration to find the right coach for you is to ask for their testimonials. Are their clients satisfied? And if so, what exactly are they satisfied with? There’s an abundance of happy customers out there who are eager to share how they grew in confidence and slept easier at night with the help of their coaches. But ask yourself if this is really what you’re looking for. Look out for testimonials backed up with facts and figures, how did their business grow, develop or expand under the guidance of their coaches? Have they made more profit, has their team improved, or have they claimed back time for their families?

There’s no doubting that the right coach can be life changing. Choose a Coach who has experience in growing their own businesses, (not just the coaching role they have currently) choose a coach who can show you proven strategies that have worked with many other businesses and have stood the test of time. You put your heart and soul into your business, now it’s time to see the return that you deserve. But be sure to find the Coach who will deliver the solution to the challenges of your business.

Book an initial consultation in my diary to see if we’re the right fit to help you reach your business goals.