Today, we seem to be bombarded constantly with news of the difficulties faced by business.  Are we in recession, or is it merely a ‘severe downturn’?

Don’t automatically cut costs. Right now, service matters more than ever.  Here’s why:

When people buy during an economic downturn they are extremely conscious of the “hard earned” money that they spend.  Customers want more attention, appreciation and recognition for their purchases, not less.

So, giving great service in tough times makes good business sense.  But how do you actually achieve it?  Here are eight proven principles you can use:


  1. Understand how your customers’ expectations are rising and changing over time.
  2. Use quality service to differentiate your business from your competition.
  3. Set and achieve high service standards.
  4. Learn to manage your customer’s expectations.  Or exceed them!
  5. Bounce back with effective service recovery.  Sometimes things do go wrong resolve it quickly.
  1. Appreciate your complaining customers. Customers with complaints can be your best allies in building and improving your business.
  1. Take personal responsibility.

Make time to stand on the other side of the counter or listen on the other end of the phone.