Digital marketing: Level up your digital marketing strategy in 2021

Part 2: Leverage Direct Response Digital Marketing

Marketing is an investment, but do it right and it will pay for itself! Small businesses can’t afford to invest marketing money on things that don’t generate sales. Find out how to generate leads that turn into sales using direct response tactics.

What is Direct Response Digital Marketing?

Direct response marketing means sending customers targeted messages that drive specific actions, like:

  • Buy now
  • Sign up
  • Read my blog
  • Book a call

A scattergun approach to marketing doesn’t work – you’ll waste time and resources for a low (if any) return on investment. Tailored messaging to the right people using direct response tactics generates leads and sales.


The AIDA model underpins most marketing strategies.

It stands for:

Awareness – getting your brand seen, known, recognised (with your ads or social posts)

Interest – generating interest so people investigate further (for example, by visiting your site)

Desire – moving people from liking your offer to wanting it (with the right targeting, offer and copy)

Action – getting them to convert (use Calls To Action to tell your customer what you want them to do next)

How do you create targeted messaging?

The most important thing is to know your target market. You can have the best copy and biggest marketing budget but it won’t achieve its potential if you are chasing the wrong leads.

Targeted messaging speaks directly to your ideal customer. Understand their needs.

It’s not enough to say ‘Read my blog’. Why should they? What’s in it for them?



Your copy needs to convey your message clearly and resonate with your target market. Use the PAS formula.

Problem – Agitate – Solve

The 3-step P.A.S formula is perfect for communicating with time-poor business owners and attention-short customers. Let’s take this blog as an example:

  1. Problem – Is your digital marketing strategy failing to generate leads and sales?
  2. Agitate – Need to refresh your strategy, but don’t know where to start?
  3. Solve – Read this blog for free digital marketing tips you can implement now.

Beat the competition

How do you stand out in a sea of information and click-bait? Don’t try to fit in with what everyone else is doing. Be unique.

Use your USPs to refine your offer then create your value proposition.

Value proposition

People won’t hang around for long to decipher what you’re offering. Your value proposition should clearly, simply and quickly spell out what your offer is. The customer wants to know what they get and why should they choose you (what value you add).

Use the B2B value pyramid.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

Your value proposition covers the ‘WHAT’ and the ‘WHY’ – your calls to action are the ‘HOW’.

What do you want your leads to do next? Buy? Book? Call?

Be clear and make it easy for them to do what you want. Too many different CTAs on your page will confuse visitors, causing inaction.

Hungry for more?

Read part 3, where we cover which channels you should be using, how to build your social media presence and that most crucial step – how to measure your performance.


Build back better in 2021

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