Diet starts Monday…

We are human and are not perfect! This is an undeniable fact. However, what we can do is train ourselves to adopt positive habits that will greatly affect our lives. Earlier to bed, healthier eating habits, regular exercise are just a few that we could all take on board to improve our lifestyles. Here at Wiserways, we like to do this from a business perspective.

We are all aware that can be direct benefits and consequences from our habits. In business, these habits can interfere and stop us from completing the necessary steps needed to achieve. So, below, we have given you 6 simple and easy steps that you can adopt as part of your business routine! They may be small, but they are designed to have the BIGGEST impact…


1 – The 30 day rule. It is not a habit until you have done it for 30 days. It will be hard. You might miss a day. But after 30 days it will be automatic. This is how I made the 5am habit work.

2 – Make it consistent. Go hard at the start and make sure you do it every day. Do it at the start of the day as well so you spend the day knowing you have acheived something

3 – Start simple. Don’t try and do too much straight away. If you are calling new clients do one a day for a week, then do 2 a day the next week etc etc.Build the habit slowly.

4 – Remind yourself. Allocate time in your diary for your new habit. Writing things down massively improves your chances of completing them.

5 – Stay consistent. Do things at the same time so you get used to them. Gym. E-mails. Waking up. Make it routine and the pain of doing them soon goes.

6 – Get a buddy. Tell someone what you are trying to do. It creates accountability and will help the habit stick.


So this weekend think about what these habits, think of how you will incorporate them into your life, and tell us how they have affected you!

Don’t wait for a new month or quarter or any other excuse. Get on with it!


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” …… Aristotle