How do you get more commitment from your employees?

How do you get more commitment from your employees? It’s a simple challenge to solve…

Let me explain, The economy is in a good place at the moment, (yes seriously) so recruitment is harder as there are plenty of available positions. How can you recruit and keep excellent employees.

1. Start with looking at your recruitment process, you DO have one don’t you? Is your interview technique loosely structured between a get to know you conversation and asking the questions you need the answers to? A script to work from will help with this enormously.

2. Once your new employee is onboard, have you set clear expectations? People like to know what is expected of them. This is one of the major areas for conflict, if your employees are underperforming, this is usually YOUR fault. So often I see busy business owners hire smart people and then leave them to get on with it. Im not suggesting you micro manage, however, if you set out clear expectations, guidelines and boundaries people will thrive. If you already have a clear system in place for the role they have started so much the better.

3. Pay your team as much as you can afford and then a little more, give them bonus’s and perks, tell them what a great job they are doing, when they deliver, I was working with a clients team last week and the number one wish for the team, was their employer praised them for their work. Remember, whilst A players will cost you 10-20% more they will produce 50-100% more. Recompense your team for the value they bring to your business, rather than the hours they work.

Research shows Job Satisfaction is now at the top of the wish list, especially for millennials. Do your team have a sense of purpose? What is the bigger picture? Why are they doing what they do? Work together so they have clarity, expecting them to work hard all day so you can buy a new Aston Martin simply doesn’t cut it nowadays. People want to feel what they do really matters.

If you look after your people, they will look after your business, and maybe you can buy the Aston as well.

If you want to dive deeper into your Recruitment process or Employee retention and engagement simply book a slot in my calendar for a complimentary initial call –  I’d love to have a chat with you (no strings attached!).