Are you a morning person? Do you spring out of bed raring to go? Or do you pull the duvet over your head when the alarm clock goes off and desperate for a little more snoozing?

It is now recognised that a Morning Routine can set you up for a Super Successful Day. Choose a routine, arise and follow for 30 days, you will then made it a habit. Knowing exactly what you are going to do, without having to think about it, makes getting out of bed so much easier.

Here are some suggestions, how many of these do you incorporate into your morning routine?

1.Quiet Reflection…..

As little as 5 mins upon awakening allows the pituitary gland in your brain to secrete endorphins. Endorphins can make us feel good, emotionally and physically. Studies have shown quiet reflection can help those of us who struggle with depression and anxiety.

2. Hydrate……

You have just slept for 6–8 hours, our bodies needs water to hydrate our brains and aid digestion for the day. I always drink a glass of fresh water before my morning cuppa!

3. Gratitude…..

Take some time to consciously be thankful for the positives in your life, the good things, the small wins can often be forgotten and overlooked, with the hustle and bustle of life.

4. Affirmations…..

What we say to ourselves, when we are by ourselves, is programming our brain for the day, repeated continuously, we can programme our brain for our life. Write down or record your affirmations and read or listen to them every morning, and preferably throughout the day too.

5. Exercise…..

Whilst you don’t have to rival Jane Fonda, even a brisk short walk will pay dividends to your well being. We are mostly living longer and longer, and like an machine we need to take care of our bodies.

6. Read…..

Start the day with 30 minutes reading or listening to a podcast or audio book written by a successful entrepreneur such as Jim Rohn, Brad Sugars, or Peter Voogd will start your day with good ideas, better yet, combine your listening with your exercise.

7. Tip number 7?…..

Start today.

Do any of you incorporate anything different? Share it with us. I’d love to hear from you.